

The purpose of the Windham Regional Plan (the plan) is to provide guidance for change in the Windham Region. The plan reflects shared values and concerns of the people who live in the 27 towns and it discusses issues facing the region. Based on a set of over-arching regional goals and priorities, the plan sets long-term policies for the region. The plan is a living document that must continually evolve to reflect the dynamic social, economic, and environmental conditions in the region.  Statute requires that the regional plan be updated every eight years, but it is the WRC’s intent that the review and update process should be an ongoing effort.


The plan is the basis for the WRC’s day to day operations and guides regional planning efforts. The WRC commits its staff and resources to work on implementation of the plan’s stated priorities, goals, and policies. The WRC’s Executive Board, committees, and professional staff implement the plan. For more information on how the WRC uses the plan, refer to the Implementation Section

Towns with active planning programs also use the Regional Plan as a guideline for local planning efforts, or they may adopt portions of this plan as their own. When applicable, the District Environmental Commission and other state agencies use the plan to review both public and private development proposals. The plan also serves citizens and government agencies as a source of regional information.


The plan is to be used by the WRC, town planning commissions, selectboards, state agencies, landowners, and citizens in a number of ways:

  • To guide basic decisions for planning programs at the WRC;
  • To provide guidance for planning and development initiatives at the local level;
  • To serve as a basis to evaluate and review development projects proposed under Title 10 V.S.A. Chapter 151: State Land Use and Development Plans (Act 250) and Title 30 V.S.A. § 248 (Public Service); and
  • To assist, where needed, in determining compatibility of state and federal agency plans affecting land use with regional and local planning and development priorities.


With the adoption of the current Windham Regional Plan, the WRC has transitioned to an entirely web-based plan to improve navigation and use of the plan. The plan is organized around the following planning topics: Land Use, Energy, Economic Development, Transportation, Natural Resources, Housing, Education, Cultural and Recreational Resources, and Community Utilities, Facilities, and Services. Each section provides the current reference information, data, and analysis of the planning topics. The Introduction section presents the overarching vision and goals that influence all other elements of the plan. 

Each planning topic also includes a set of policies that provide the framework for review and evaluation of projects and issues brought before the Windham Regional Commission. The policies provide direction for the Region. A complete list of the Plan’s policies can be found under the Policies Section of the website and each planning topic area also links directly to its relevant policies. Other sections on the website include the Implementation, which provides a discussion on how the plan is put into action, and the Regional Profile, which provides a background on the Region’s geography, history, and current population and demographic data. 

To take advantage of the web-based format, and to better inform the reader, embedded hyperlinks are found throughout the Plan to direct users to relevant websites and documents. The vision, goals, objectives and policies contained within this plan are not dependent upon access to these additional digital resources. The links are provided for additional reference information only. 


This plan contains maps that present important background information, and others that present a vision for the region’s future. The text and maps should be used together to be properly understood. The maps present information in a generalized format. More detailed information often is available from other maps or data sources, and those are referenced on the Regional Plan maps. Users of this plan and its maps are encouraged to consult those sources when more detailed information is needed regarding the presence, absence, or precise location of a given map feature.